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Jyotish Guru Hemant Barua
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Significance of Planets
Significance of Moon in Astrology

Moon is one of the two factors that have a really important role in keeping the life sustained, the peaceful cool moon rules our emotions and feelings, without the moon, there would be no life on earth, it donates mental and emotional power in human beings, it’s the emotions and feelings which plays a very important role in the life of human beings in communicating with each other and really able to maintain a stable relation between each other.

Moon is considered as the queen of the solar system, and according to Vedic system of astrology, moon is capable of giving us great mental power and prosperity,just imagine how hard our lives can be without communicating and being good to each other, life would be dark, all of that blessing we have is because of our moon, the queen of the solar system, using the Vedic system of astrology , we can say that Moon is a characteristic benefice and is equipped for giving extraordinary mental force and success, Success in life is straightforwardly connected with the unity of the moon and also Jupiter, this combination is what really gives us the blessing of the life we have.

The Moon has the Karkata (Karka) sign, but it exalts at 3 degree Vrishabha or Vrishabh and is under deep debilitation at 3 degree Scorpio. Its MooltrikonaRashi is Vrishabh. Moon is the Karaka for mind and it enjoys a royal Status among planets. Its complexion is tawny. Its sex is female. Moon Is of Vaishya Varna and SattwikaGuna.

As we all remember, the old poems that the poet used to talk about the beauty of the moon and how poets used it to resemble it with the pretty of the women they loved, after all who doesn’t have that dream place where we lay on the ground and just look at the moon and the stars, and feel the freedom and the piece of those beautiful things, now let’s talk about scientists and their obsession with the moon, I agree with the scientists who said that the sun and the moon is considered as the eyes of the universe,I believe in the Moon’s influence on human sickness and health is ancient and widespread, from early folklore and medicine through to contemporary accounts of full moons and a rise in violent crime, there’s a relation between the moon and the human’s psychological growth, after all we can say that we really can’t live without a moon.

Down there the most important characters of moon in Vidal astrology.

Orbit time of whole Zodiac: 27 days (Approx.)
Own Sign (Rashi): Cancer
MoolTrikon in: Taurus
Exalted in: Taurus
Debilitated in: Scorpio
If well placed signifies: Prosperity & wealth
Direction: North-West (Vayvay)
Colour: White
Orbit time in One Zodiac Sign: 324 days (Approx.)
Nature: Tender and peaceful
Constellations ruled: Rohini, Hast and Sharavan
Friendly planets: Mars, Jupiter and Moon
Enemy planets: Saturn and Rahu, Ketu
Neutral planets: Mercury
Day: Monday
Special features: Beautiful round face
Metal: Silver
Precious Stone: Pearl
If adversely placed signifies: Arrogance and jealous nature
Representation: Mother
VimshottariMahadasha period: 10 years
Body parts ruled: Heart, eye, fluids of body, lungs
Diseases given by Moon: Weak eyesight, Tension, depression, heart problems,
respiratory problems, TB, cold and cough


About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...
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